First of all, I have very thin hair. It doesn't like to stay where I put it. This is the story of how I managed to make a pretty badass mohawk (in my humble opinion).
* Don't wash your hair. The dirtier it is, the more likely it is to cooperate. For this style I didn't wash it for 3 days.*
What you'll need:
*2 small rubberbands: clear or the same color as your hair
*2 small push in combs (see my Wanderlust post if you are wondering what I mean)
*Fine tooth comb
*Root lift spray (optional)
*Extra strength hairspray
What I did:
*I started by spraying water in at the roots of my dirty hair, then spraying it with root lift spray, and blow drying upside down. Any extra volume is welcomed for this style. The root lift step is optional, and really depends on what kind of hair you have.
*Next I separated my hair into 3 sections. The top section (that will be the actual mohawk), the back, and the sides. Hint: to separate the sides run your finger from just above your ear to the crown of your head.
3 sections |
*I separated the back section into 2 parts. Then fixed the upper part into a very high, very tight ponytail. I stole a little from the side sections, because it's better if they include less hair (this will make sense later).
Upper ponytail |
*Just below the tiny ponytail, I made another out of the rest of the back section of my hair. This one doesn't need to be as high, but it shouldn't be too far away from the top one.
Second ponytail. Make sure it's tight! |
* Then, starting at the back of the top section, I took strips of hair...
(Like this one) |
...and teased them to death. The trick is to tease each section much higher than you actually want the mohawk to be. Then spray each section with hairspray. Don't tease all the way to the end though because the tips of your hair need to look smooth not ratted.
A ridiculous picture to emphasize the ridiculousness of this phase. |
*I repeated this process all the way to the front of the top section. Then I left it alone to let the hairspray set.
Such a tease ;) |
*Now tease the ponytails. And yes, add hairspray.
SO much more volume in the back now! |
*The next thing I did was slick each piece of hair on the side close to my head, and then hold it into place with a push comb. This should be just above the top pony. The reason to do this after the teasing is so the combs have something to grip onto. Make sure to slide the comb
underneath the teased portion, so as not to flatten it.
Make sure it's tight, again. |
*Now all that's left is fixing the shape overall. I teased some places, but mostly just smoothed the top with a comb, and hairsprayed like an 80's prom date!
Note: I didn't use any bobby pins. You can, but be careful because the shape of the top is what's important, and you don't want to damage it by pinning it down.
Anything is possible with enough hairspray. |
Now ROCK it out!