Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How To Fix a Bad Day in 4 Easy Steps

It happens. We all have those days. Maybe something bad happened. Maybe you have so much to do that you can't find the motivation to move at all. Or maybe it's just Monday.
I'll be honest: it happens to me a lot. Sometimes I wallow in it, and lay in my sweats all day eating candy and feeling sorry for myself. Other times I follow these steps to have a better day. It may be a weird system, but if I follow through, I always feel better. Even when it is raining!

1. Turn the Music UP!
Pick something upbeat and turn the beat up. It's ok to dance a little. If you are stuck in an unfortunate situation where this behavior is frowned on, just get out your headphones. Eardrums aren't supposed to last forever, right? Just be sure you don't accidentally make yourself feel worse by playing sad, slow music.

For instance Justin Timberlake's new album has some seriously amazing songs, including this one called "Let the Groove Get In". You can't not dance to this:

2. Wash Your Hands and Feet. Yes, Seriously.
Ok, I know that sounds a little strange. But wait! I have a logical explanation! Hands and feet get the worst of it. Unless you're sleeping, you're probably using your hands, feet, or both.Your poor little fingers and toes have to do everything all day long. So maybe you don't feel like taking a whole, long, relaxing bath. Just perch yourself on the side of the tub and grab a loofah. Show your feet some love. There's something so relaxing about it, and it is so easy. This is why women pay $25 and up for a manicure or pedicure! It's not because we can't paint our own nails. Trust me. Afterward you have nice, comfy, clean hands and feet. It's even better if you apply a generous amount of lotion and let your skin get super soft. Just be sure to take your time with it. Besides, it's sandal season, and cute toes don't look good with dry, sad, tired feet.

So fresh and so clean.
Sandals from Ross $14

3. Put on Something that Makes You Feel Amazing.
They say the better you look, the better you feel. This isn't always true. What matters is if you feel like you look good. That's it. So put on something that makes you feel like you look amazing. Old prom dress? Muscle tee to show off the guns? Tiara? Go for it. Even if you're butt naked. Maybe it's just perfume. Maybe it's lipstick, even if you know you aren't leaving the house. Maybe it's those heels you bought and just can't find an occasion for. Whatever it is, put it on. Try to avoid putting on something just because it's comfortable. This will encourage you to lay around and indulge in your sad state. Besides, most of us don't look in the mirror in baggy sweats and say "Damn, I look hot. Now I feel like accomplishing things!"

Pink lipstick with glitter and my boyfriend's T-shirt. I feel amazing. 

I doubt I'd leave the house in this, but I feel great wearing it!
Leggings and crop top from Forever21. Homemade tutu :)

4. Create Something!
Whoa, hold on. You said this was easy? It is. Now that you have clean comfy hands and feet, and you're jamming out to 80's music wearing nothing but underpants and a tiara, you get to be creative. This doesn't mean you have to draw a picture, but that's certainly an option.
Here are some ideas:
Decorate a wall or small area of your house
Cook something delicious
Write a poem-no one has to ever see it!
Write a plan to do something (like make a new product or take a trip)
Paint- it doesn't have to be great. It will make you feel good though.
Put together an outfit
Do your makeup totally crazy
Make a collage
Make up a new song
Start a blog!

There are about a million different ways to be creative, but the point is that the process of creating something is rewarding. If I watch a movie, or look at stuff on pinterest all evening I come away with a sense of loss wondering "where did my time go?" But if you create something you can look at it and know that you accomplished something. Even if you aren't 100% happy with the end result, the process is inspiring, and will push you forward to cross the things off your list that seemed insurmountable before. You may be surprised what you can do. Often times my mini projects turn out better than expected!

Some fabric I hung on the wall. Just happens to look a lot like a heart!

A drawing I made for my boyfriend's birthday. I felt so accomplished afterwards. 

I had a brochure for an art show which I cut up and framed. Recently I added some editorials around it.
So there you have it. Those are the 4 steps I take when I have a bad day. They can be done in a very fashionable way, or the not at all. I hope they work for you too!
Thanks for reading.

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